JS-25 Permission 'GRANT'ed
owners / drivers Dave Grant / Dave Grant & Jerry Kieta
location Grand Island, New York  and Orlando, Florida
hull original Jersey Speed Skiff class runabout (JS) built in 1980 by J&S Fiberglass Specialties using a Dave Pareskevas (SKED) design.
LOA / beam 16' / 6'
motor 350 Chevy built by Darryl Monette in 2016
power direct drive
years raced 1980- 1995

1980 - Kerry Kreiger, Jupiter, Florida - JS-13 Lack of Class
1981 - 2nd Place at the Nationals in Miami, Florida (but later DQ)
1984 - Walt Beasley, Delray, Florida - JS-526 (no name)

1984 - Bruce Hardy, Hewitt, New Jersey - JS-526 TOMKAT
1985 - Brian Chaplin, Landing, New Jersey - JS-526 TOMKAT
1990 - Charles Cron, New Jersey - JS-526 TOMKAT
1995 - Bill Funk, Middletown, New Jersey - JS-25 Spare Parts Too
Ran APBA by subsequent owners & also part of the NJ East Coast Racing League for Skiffs & Speed Garveys. 
2000 - Bob Burns, New Jersey - JS-25 Spare Parts Too
2002 - joined APBA Vintage & Historic Division
2002 - Bill DeGlopper, Grand Island, New York - JS-25 Hot Ticket
2004 - Dave Grant, Grand Island, New York and Orlando, Florida - JS-25 Permission 'GRANT'ed
Several east coast Vintage events including Tavares, Florida 2020
launch ramp or crane