At The Movies……

My wife is downstairs watching the Academy Awards, which brings up a thought about hydroplanes and movies. Here’s some movies that I know of that had inboard hydroplanes featured in them. If there were any others, let me know. “Racing Fever – The Movie” brings forth the following movie trailer. …

Hydrocart History

A few posts back on this bulletin, I posted some info/pics on a hydrocart someone had. Another email was just r’cd on these unique lil’ raceboats, I thought I’d share along with some neat photos. Hi Phil — Thanks for taking the time and posting these jpegs . My father, …

photo album updates

The photo albums on the website have all been “freshened up”. We are currently sitting at almost 1700 photos now in our archives. Please report any problems or broken links. I would also like to add — PLEASE don’t be taking ANY of these photos and placing them on your …